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A seguito del terremoto che ha colpito il Giappone nella mattinata di oggi, come da invito
circolante in rete:
Japan Earthquake/Pacific Tsunami 11 Mar 2011
Written by G0DUB
Friday, 11 March 2011 10:59
A series of earthquakes has struck off the coast of Honshu Japan around
05:46UTC today causing extensive damage to the country and also triggering
Tsunami waves and warnings across the Pacific.
At this time there are no reports of amateur radio involvement in the disaster
response but it would be appreciated if extra care was taken to avoid any
emergency traffic. The IARU Region 3 Emergency Centre of Activity
frequencies are;
3600 kHz
7110 kHz
14300 kHz
18160 kHz
21360 kHz
The situation is developing as it can take many hours for a tsunami wave to
cross the Pacific ocean, more information will be provided when it is
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